Friday, October 5, 2018

Argument Against Kavanaugh: Revised In The Eyes of A Student

On Monday, October 1st, 2018, CNN published an article titled For the good of us all, Brett Kavanaugh should step aside. This topic is something that I have educated myself on, kept up with, and am very passionate about and I believe that the author, Ana Navarro, who argues Kavanaugh’s deserving of a spot on the Supreme Court did a great job on her published argument on the matter. The article is started off with Navarro clearly stating her argument by saying “I did not oppose Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court at first, but I do oppose it now.” she then goes on to back up her argument by giving her audience an explanation as to why, which is, the character issues raised about him. With every great argument you must back up your reasoning with statistics, known facts, or personal opinions and beliefs, which Navarro did a great job of. Another example of this was when she writes about the process of selecting a supreme court justice, including facts like once the nominee is officially set in place, there is no way to remove of that person by any circumstance, except death. Since these circumstances are so permanent, Navarro claims, “A Supreme Court Justice should have intellectual heft, judicial temperament and lifelong fitness of character.” in which Navarro claims Kavanaugh lacks in except intellectual heft, which she believes should not be the only reason for being appointed as a Supreme Court Justice. I believe that all of the opinions and facts the author stated in this article to back up her argument were great, but could have been more in depth, like possibly going into more background as to why her opinions on Kavanaugh changed. In one of the last paragraphs, Navarro digs deep into the trial against Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, giving her honest opinion by telling the audience she most definitely believes Ford, along with the reasoning as to how Kavanaugh’s actions during the trial have led her to become opposed to his upcoming position. She then concludes her argument when she states “I now believe Kavanaugh lacks the judicial temperament and character to serve on the Supreme Court.” which I believe was the strongest part of her argument by far because a great conclusion is straightforward, gets to the point, and concludes the initial argument stated. All in all, I think this argument was a seven out of ten solely because she did miss out on some opportunities to support her argument and at some points in the article, I felt a little bit lost, but overall she stated her argument, backed it up, and concluded it very professionally and maturely.

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