Saturday, November 3, 2018

We Should Not Build A Wall

     Since President Trump won the election in 2016, immigration has been the animating issue of his presidency thus far. More specifically, building a wall to keep those immigrants out of the United States has been a constant raging topic with many opinions. I do not think the wall should be built. If the U.S. follows through with this idea, billions of dollars will be added to our debt and our country could be in deep trouble regarding our economy, foreign affairs, and the environment.
      First, our country cannot afford to build this wall. The nationwide debt is still on a constant increase and the wall would only add more damage to that number, which could potentially bite us in the butt very soon. If President Trump is strongly advocating for lower taxes and the money for the wall is not coming from our taxes, I am not sure where it is coming from. I think that instead of wasting billions of dollars to build a completely ineffective wall, we should consider using the money for better border control security, which would be so much more effective and a lot cheaper. 

     Secondly, our relationship with other countries could go down south. No matter the height, length, or materials used to build this wall, people are always going to find a way to outsmart it. However, just because the wall is ineffective does not mean it symbolizes something hateful and racist. I also believe that even if the wall is just put up, people will think of America differently than they have before, which could lead to an increase in war, violence, and hatred between our country and another.

     Finally, the U.S-Mexico border is the most biodiverse area in North America and building the wall would devastate wildlife habitats and could run a few of its species to endangerment, while also potentially cutting off access to the river. Despite the horrible endangerment of species, Congress would still allow the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to ignore all compliances regarding the Endangered Species Act even though over 100 species would be impacted by the construction once the process for the wall begins.

   Although my three arguments are not equally important, I still believe that each of them holds something different that could prevent our country from following through with this plan. If I had to list my arguments importance from least relevant to the most, this is what I would say; foreign conflict, wildlife habitats, and economic issues. I am sure that opposers of my opinion would say there is no other way to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States territory, but there are multiple other ways, like if we made border security significantly stricter. I can assure the opposers that if we follow through with building the wall, we will still have the same illegal immigrant issue than we did before.

     In conclusion, I do not think we should build the wall because it would not only be a waste of time, but a waste of money, and could easily backfire on the United States due to the destruction of wildlife, economic bankruptcy, and violence. I formed my opinion by realizing how determined the immigrants are and that if there is a will, there is a way, and just because a wall is built in place of a fence does not mean they are going to re-think their decision and turn around. I believe that we should consider an alternative motive for keeping illegal immigrants out and throw away the idea of building this wall as it comes with multiple aspects that could backfire on our Nation.


  1. In the Blog Stage Five of the US Government course, there is the blog that discusses about the same topic as mine, which is really attracts me. The blog, written by Auburn Lucas, proposes that we should not build a wall between the U.S and Mexico. Lucas and I have a similar opposition over this problem because a border wall will waste billions of dollars, and it also lead to some serious national issues in the U.S.
    I totally agree with Lucas that building a wall will add much more to our debt, and we will “be in deep trouble regarding our economy, foreign affairs, and the environment” (Lucas). He states three effective reasons to support his argument. First reason is very straightforward, and it is the main concern of the U.S: who will pay for the Trump-Mexico border wall? Everyone is questioning that who will pay for a wall since “President Trump is strongly advocating for lower taxes and the money for the wall is not coming from our taxes (Lucas).” Additionally, the U.S-Mexico border can impact negatively to internal and foreign affairs l of the U.S. The border wall can devastate wildlife and nature between the U.S and Mexico because it prevents animals from accessing foods, water, and mates. The U.S-Mexico border wall will also hurt the South Texas farmers as well, and the rivers between two countries might be cut off. Throughout the last two reasons, Lucas shows the damages of building a border wall since it probably hurts both both people and natural of the United States.
    Lucas is successfully persuaded the reader why we should not build the US-Mexico border wall. His article is very thoughtful and fairly detail. He uses brief evidences to support his opinion throughout his blog. However, I would like to see more facts and reactions of people in the U.S over this issue.
    In conclusion, I agree with Lucas in the issue that the U.S should not build a border wall with Mexico. The main purpose of Trump’s wall is to stop illegal immigrant, but no one can guarantee that the wall will stop illegal immigrants. So, why should not we build a stricter border security instead of wasting billions of dollars on it. That does not make sense at all. Thus, Lucas and I discourage the U.S and Mexico border wall.

  2. Auburn chose to write about a blog that I actually wrote about in mine and I agree with everything that was said. I cannot be any happier to see that others have the same views and opinions. Trump building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is redundant and the fact that we must pay to build that wall that creates damage is absurd. Auburn used facts to create a strong argument such as the nationwide debt, our relationships with other countries, and endangerment of species. All these issues are exemplary facts and help make the statement much more reliable. I used similar reasons why building the wall would be a terrible idea and it shows that this is something that needs to be dealt with. The way Auburn used all these reasons to help develop the argument was well said. Auburn clearly stated facts and organized it for the reader to fully understand and perhaps even make them agree. Also, the way that Auburn’s argument was structured was done spectacularly. It let me know what I was about to read and helped see what each reason was about. I believe this blog couldn’t have been said any better.

  3. Auburn my colleague wrote a blog about "we should not build a wall". I agree with everything said in this blog. It is a waste of money because at the end of the day the people on the other side are still going to come across, I am from El Paso, Texas border town which Juarez, Mexico is on the other side. It would be a bad idea to continue with the plan of building a wall. We have to build relationships with the other countries we do not want to cause a war and this would lead jobs lost and lost lives which means that this can lead to city damages and the end and loss of innocent families losing their life. This will also affect the economy with local business trades of foods and goods. Which would lead to economic hardship and violent outbreaks in the economy. They need to come up with a different plan as there is already a fence in El Paso, Texas Border Town. I like this blog as I agree with stated facts and the writing is well written. As the reader I felt the passion of the blog not to build a wall and is a complete waste of money.


    Good Job!



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